As the field of music therapy evolves to face new challenges and opportunities, CBMT is proud to oversee several committees dedicated to shaping the future of the MT-BC certification program. Our committees help develop, administer and continuously update our certification exam and recertification program.
Exam Committee
The Exam Committee develops the CBMT Certification Exam, including new test items in relation to the CBMT Board Certification Domains and in conjunction with our testing partner, PSI Services. Based on a content outline developed from the national Practice Analysis Study, exam committee members and other practitioners write test questions to assess the knowledge and skills required to perform tasks that are significant to music therapy practice.
Continuing Education Committee
This committee is responsible for administering and monitoring continuing education requirements for MT-BCs. Their role includes support for CBMT Approved Providers, recognition for participation in continuing education activities, and quality assurance through audits of continuing education records of MT-BCs.
Practice Analysis Committee
This committee convenes every five years to conduct a survey of practicing music therapists and to identify the tasks necessary for the practice of music therapy. This committee, with the help of our testing partner and a team of content experts in the field, uses results of the survey to generate the new Board Certification Domains for use in the construction of the CBMT Examination. This process assures that, in a growing field such as music therapy, the job description to ensure safe, competent provision of services is current and has been refined through a psychometrically sound procedure. The 2019 Practice Analysis was most recently completed.
Public Information & Outreach
This committee executes and creates all information related to marketing and public relations, as determined by the CBMT Board of Directors.
Disciplinary Review Committee & Disciplinary Hearing Committee
This committee is responsible for considering and assessing alleged violations of any CBMT disciplinary standards set forth in the CBMT Code of Professional Practice, or any other CBMT standard policy or procedure.