State Recognition for Florida

Recognized? No

Recognition Status:

Active Task Force? Yes

Year Started: 2008

Task Force Status: (2011) Task Force (TF) held a Hill Day during March, visiting legislators and asking for recommendations about recognition. Legislative staff recommended the TF take time to build relationships around the state before introducing formal legislation. (2012) Worked to build relationships in the House and Senate through meetings with legislators and staff. (2013) Senate File (SF) 1294, a resolution recognizing music therapy, filed in February. Resolution died in committee at end of session in May. Hosted advocacy trainings in September and continued outreach at the AMTA conference in Jacksonville in November. Conducted survey of FL MTs regarding services in the state. (2014) Held a Hill Day in April and in September conducted a statewide series of webinars with FL MTs including information about regulatory options and a survey of participants’ opinions regarding regulation. Submitted a Sunrise Review in December. (2015) Senate Bill 1310, filed in March, would create a music therapy license within the Division of Medical Quality Assurance. Held a Hill Day in March. SB 1310 passed out of the Senate Health Policy committee by unanimous vote, but died in the first House committee. House staff advised that music therapists must start with a registry bill. (2016) Filed Senate Bill 204 and House Bill 571 in January, which would create a registry of board certified music therapists within the Division of Medical Quality Assurance. Held a Hill Day in March. SB 204/HB571 received a favorable fiscal analysis and passed through all three Senate committees and one House committee. HB571 died in the second House committee in April. TF is continuing communication and meetings with legislators to secure bill sponsors for 2017 when another registry bill will be filed. (2018) The Florida Task Force held an Advocacy Academy training in Tallahassee in February 2018. Thirteen music therapists from throughout the State attended along with Task Force members. The Advocacy Academy culminated in a targeted Hill Day where music therapists met with legislators and their aides at the Capitol. Follow-up meetings are ongoing, as are preparations for the 2019 legislative session. (2019) The Task Force held a Hill Day on 4/10/19. Attendees met with legislators as part of ongoing music therapy advocacy and education efforts in the state of Florida. Attendees also encouraged legisltors to support HB 501/ SB 1518, Alternative Treatment Options for Veterans. This bill provides alternative treatment options, which include music therapy, for veterans with PTSD or TBI. HB 501 passed on 5/02/19 and, if approved by the Governor, will take effect on July 1, 2019. Bill information can be found at .

Task Force Contact Name: Jessica DeKleva & Madison Whelan

Task Force Contact Email:

Task Force Members: Virginia Bibler, Micah Castillo, Alexandria (AJ) Denne, Eric Ervast-Salmon, Minda Gordon, Amelia Lane, Ashley Lewis, Caitlyn Pawelek, Tamela Ponder, Evan Privoznik, James Riley, Rose Ritter, & Lauren Simeon

Task Force Facebook: Florida Music Therapy Gov’t Relations

State Association:

State Association Facebook:

Regional Association:

State Legislative Activity:

Below you will find a link to an online report with information about state-level bills that include the keyword “music therapy.” There may or may not be a bill for your state. Some bills may have a direct impact on the profession (e.g. music therapy licensure legislation) while others may not (e.g. music therapy is included in a pre-existing list of healthcare providers). 

Click here to read the report

Information is provided by Fiscal Note, a subscription service that allows CBMT to follow state and federal legislative and regulatory developments. This resource is provided for informational purposes to help you stay informed on legislative and policy issues impacting music therapy practice. Please contact your task force chair with questions and before taking any action.